by sorensont | Apr 1, 2024
Join us in the library meeting room May 9th at 4pm for a lively & engaging family concert with author, storyteller, educator, and songwriter, Stuart Stotts. He’ll delight and entertain you! Thanks to The Library Foundation and the 150 Years of Library...
by sorensont | Mar 29, 2024
Miss Alexa welcomes all preschoolers along with their caregivers to come and enjoy a fun flick in the library meeting room!
by sorensont | Dec 6, 2023
Join Ms. Jodi for some winter storytime fun! For children of all ages (attending with their caregivers). The winter storytime session goes from January 10-February 28 on WEDNESDAYS from 9:30-10am. No registration required.
by sorensont | Nov 18, 2023
Calling all youth! The School District of the Menomonie Area and the library are hosting a writing contest for 3rd-8th graders. January 3-February 12th Elementary Grades: 750 words or less Middle Grades: 1000 words or less Sharpen your pencil, think about the WINTER...
by sorensont | Sep 19, 2023
Find and enjoy our STORYWALK® at Lakeside Park (1/4 mile north of the library at the boat landing on Wolske Bay Rd). What is a StoryWalk? A StoryWalk® is a fun, educational activity that places a children’s story (literally a book taken apart) along a popular...