Fine Free
Access for ALL
We are a fine free library

Everybody who has a Menomonie Public Library card has had all late fines from our library taken off their account.

We will no longer charge the 10 cent per day late or overdue fine.

Public libraries believe in access for all and fines create a barrier to making sure people have equal access.
We will no longer charge a 10 cent per day late fine (& past late fines from our library are forgiven). These are fines that accrued because a person returned one of our items to the library past the due date.
We still want our stuff back so we can send items on to the next lucky person. After all, that’s what we’re all about!
IMPORTANT: Hotspots, replacement fees for items not returned, and damage fines will still be charged for Menomonie Public Library materials. There may also be charges from other libraries.

Why are you getting rid of late fines?
A: It is counter to our mission as a place that provides resources and fosters community to enrich the lives of Dunn County citizens in a welcoming environment. Late fines create barriers to people being able to access information.
Public libraries believe in giving all people access to information, programs, materials and services. When people have what they need to fulfill their goals and dreams, our whole community is stronger.
Libraries have found that there is no difference in the rate of return with or without fines. People borrow, and people return. That’s how libraries work.
So I never have to return what I check out?
A: Please return your items! The due dates for when to return items have not changed. If you keep items past their due date, you will receive a series of notifications:
- 7th day after it’s due: email or phone overdue notice
- 14th day after it’s due: email or phone overdue notice
- 21st day after it’s due: replacement bill sent via postal mail
- 28th day after it’s due: If item(s) are not returned or paid for, account is turned over to collections agency (not reported to credit bureaus).
What if I need more time with an item?
A: Renew before it’s due! You can renew up to 2 times at the point of checkout, or at any time during the loan period, and it will still generate the maximum loan length.
Are there any exceptions?
A: Yes, a $2.00 per day fine for wifi hotspots, accruing to a maximum of the replacement cost, will still be charged. If you damage an item or don’t return it you will also still be charged. There may also still be charges from other libraries.
How about high demand items?
A: High demand items will not incur late fees either. However, please do your best to get it back on time so it can move along to the next person who is patiently waiting for it.
Will people hoard all the books?
A: We don’t think so. We might even get a lot of long overdue materials returned. You can read a Minnesota Star Tribune article to learn more.
Don't you make money from late fines?
A: As more libraries adopt this view of library service, we have gathered less and less money. Late fines are not a dependable source of revenue.
I considered my late fines my donation to the library. How can I donate?
A: We’re always accepting of and grateful for donations of any amount. You can visit our “Support the Library” webpage and choose where you want your donation to go.
Were late fines really a problem?
A: Of the 9,100 library cardholders that call Menomonie or Elk Mound their home library, 1,488 could not borrow materials due to charges in excess of $10 on their accounts.
There’s more good news…
Even without fines, most people will still return their items in a timely manner. That means, we will all still get to continue to benefit from all the great things our library offers!
So READ ON and return your stuff so we can pass it on to the next lucky duck!

We get it, life happens and you need more time.
Renew up to 2 times when you checkout, or at any time during the loan period. You’ll always get the maximum loan length.
4 ways to renew:
- stop in (Always happy to see you!)
- call the library @ 715-232-2164
- call 1866MYRENEW
- click the button below
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am-3pm
Sunday: Closed
Find Us
Menomonie Public Library
600 Wolske Bay Road
Menomonie, WI 54751
Contact Us
Telephone: 715.232.2164
Information Desk: Extension 210
Circulation Desk: Extension 212